When Can I Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer?

If you have suffered critical injuries in an accident, you may be interested in exploring your legal options. After all, you should not be stuck covering the costs if someone else is at fault. However, the claims process can be overwhelming, and you may not be sure whether you have the right to pursue your case.

Fortunately, many personal injury law firms work for their clients on contingency. You can find out whether you have grounds for a claim without putting any money down or paying an hourly rate. Schedule a 100% free consultation to gain insight into whether you have the right to compensation for your damages and suffering.

When to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

When you are not sure whether it is in your best interests to hire a personal injury lawyer, the best way to find out is by scheduling a free consultation so you can talk with an actual legal advocate about the specific details of your case. If you have yet to make that call, here are some of the ways you can tell it is time to hire a personal injury attorney:

Your Injuries Are Impacting Your Life

If your injuries are having a significant impact on your life in any way, it may be time to hire a lawyer. When we take on your case, we will examine the emotional, financial, and physical impact of your injuries to ensure we are accounting for every loss.

Someone Else is At Fault

Your personal injury lawsuit can only be successful if someone else is at fault. If you believe another party’s negligence is or could be responsible for the injuries you sustained, do not hesitate. Have our team start investigating as soon as possible so we can gather time-sensitive supporting evidence.

The Liable Party is Blaming You

Do not be alarmed if the liable party blames you. Take action. Your personal injury lawyer will be prepared to challenge Arizona’s pure comparative negligence laws under ARS 12-2505.

The Insurance Company is Not Handling Your Claim Fairly

You should be able to recoup a portion of your damages by filing a claim against the liable party’s insurance policy according to The Arizona Mandatory Liability Insurance Law. But if the insurance company seems to be handling your claim in bad faith or has made you an insultingly low settlement offer, getting a personal injury lawyer involved on contingency may be the best way to show the insurer you mean business.

You Want to Demand the Total Compensation You Are Entitled To

There is no reason you should be stuck covering any of the expenses related to the accident if you are not at fault. If you are ready to demand the liable party compensate you fairly, your personal injury lawyer can handle the legalities while you recuperate.

Contact A Highly Skilled Personal Injury Lawyer Today

Hiring an experienced personal injury attorney to advocate for your rights could be the best decision you make after an accident. You should not be expected to cover your medical bills, cope emotionally, and deal with your debilitating injuries alone. While no amount of money will change your experience or make up for what you have been through, financial compensation is the best way to cover your expenses and ensure the at-fault party is held accountable to the fullest extent the law allows.

When you are ready to demand justice, look no further than The Law Offices of William D. Black. We are offering 100% free consultations to injury victims and survivors across Arizona. Claim yours by completing our secured contact form or calling our office to get started.